

Well, this seems to be a beginning. So lets start with the beginning, shall we? Or, rather a series of beginnings.

There was once a little dog named Spode, and he was the worst dog in his entire town. He used to bite the ankles of a child called by everyone in her town Ambelina. The reasons for this was forgotten by the girl, but it was said that on one summers day she was going on a picnic with her family and strayed into the forest next to the meadow.

The forest was haunted by a benevolent pixie, who used to take rides on the back of the great lizard Actuin. Actuin was the head of his lizard clan, and the bitter rival of Clevant, the head of the tortoise clan.

Clevant was the oldest tortoise, and therefor considered the wisest, but this is a logical fallacy, because greater age does not always mean greater wisdom, as Clevant was to learn that fateful day in January. It was a very cold January and the old tortoise was moving very slowly. He was bumbling along, thinking about how to find a warmer place to sun himself when he tumbled along the path to Mr. McGreggor's hut.

And that's all you get for now because it's getting to be rather too long, and rather too late. I shall post more beginnings and possibly some middles later.

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