
Things that did not happen to me yesterday

I did not find a penny on the ground, nor did get the piece of mail I've been waiting for. I wonder if they have the right address? I haven't been able to finish the book I'm reading, but then I didn't have to take the buses that aren't running right now either.
I didn't eat my vegetables, and a charming prince did not come and swoop me up. How disappointing. But then, the evil queen didn't throw me in her dungeon (and I have to wonder if that would be so bad...) and I wasn't questioned for hours on end by the CIA.
Work was not busy, the floor was not thrashed when we closed, Julie did not completely fail on her first close. I haven't been able to find out if Scientists have created some super being that will eventually take over the Earth. I have a feeling that they're working towards it.

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