
Sometimes, there's an uprising.

Sometimes I look out the windows and wonder why the raccoons are gathering next to the pond. Sometimes I look out the windows and wonder why the possums are gathering in the fruitless plum. Sometimes I look out windows and wonder why the skunks are gathering under the fruiting plums. Sometimes, I look out windows and wonder why the high school kids are gathering in the...under the...just gathering. Sometimes I worry, but most of the time I just sigh and accept that sometimes we have to fight off the revolutionary elements and all will return to normal.

Should I worry about the Wombats that are gathering around the Eden rose out front?


Unknown said...

You should worry more that there are wombats visible from your window...

How did you get transported to Australia?

Opal said...

I don't know. I really don't know, and I try not to think about it too hard. Sometimes there are things you just have to accept. Like suddenly being transported halfway across the world so that a small mammal can worry you about revolutions.